Food Justice

Food justice includes all ideas and practices that challenge the structural drivers of inequality within and beyond the food system. Food justice advocates for the right to healthy food that is produced justly, recognizes diverse cultural foods and histories, and promotes equitable distribution of resources, democratic participation, and control over food systems.

Given the persistent poverty, unemployment, racial segregation, and racialized and classed inequalities embedded in urban food systems, I am acutely concerned with how this comes to be and the degree to which activists commit to radical food politics. While my approach to food justice initially focused on inequities in food access and access to land to grow food, I am also interested in many other equity and power concerns that intersect with food, such as immigration, labor exploitation, and mass incarceration.

To date, my book, Food Justice Now!: Deepening the Roots of Social Struggleencapsulates my food justice research. You can also read my research in journals such as AntipodeEnvironmental Sociology, and Geoforum.